Increase Your Tips & Earn A Sideline Income

Without It Requiring Any Of Your Time Or Attention?

Were you worried about your income when Covid first hit and tourism came to a screeching halt?  Did the thought of having to give up your dream job in the underwater world to go wait tables just to make rent cross your mind?

If the answer is “Yes”  or “Maybe” or even “No” (but you would still like to give your divers a better experience & increase your income) then you’ll be very interested in the information below …

In the next 10 minutes, you’ll learn how to unlock all these benefits absolutely free simply by sending your divers a Website link …

Having The Security Of Knowing You Can Automatically Increase Your Income Without Doing Any Extra Work!

Work Less, Make More – Enjoy Easier, Fun Work Days Because Your Divers Will Feel Safe, Relaxed & Confident Thanks To You!

Gratitude & Appreciation – Having Happy Divers Show Up On Day 1 With A Feeling That They Already “Owe” You!

Make Money Beyond Diving By Showering Your Guests With Fun, Free Stuff Before They Arrive & After They Leave!

As you can see, this Website is not about teaching you how to make more money by working harder or becoming a “better” dive professional in terms of skills – you most likely already have that covered.

If you want to see my Background & some Customer Reviews to see if you want to continue reading, Click Below:

About Me

It’s also not just about making more money, it’s about serving your divers better, adding value to make their vacation extra special, putting big smiles on their faces, and providing them with an assortment of benefits before they ever get in the water – the extra money for you is just a byproduct & best of all …

It Doesn’t Take Any Of Your Time Or Attention!

Before I explain all the benefits you and your divers can receive through a Website that works in the background of your life that can easily & automatically increase your tips & generate a sideline income for you while you’re off having fun and enjoying your day, let me quickly walk you through how this all came about so you’ll be able to understand it better.

The dive shop I worked at didn’t make it through Covid & had to close its doors.  Luckily, I didn’t have to depend on diving to put food on the table, but I did see a lot of friends have no alternative but to return home and get other jobs. 

I’ve been diving professionally for over a decade, and well before Covid ever showed up (and did its damage on the diving industry) the #1 thing I heard other dive professionals say is; 

I Love Diving, It’s My Passion, But It Sure Doesn’t Pay Very Well!

We can easily solve this problem for you (Covid or no Covid)!

My story could be your solution!

The solution is for you to be able to live your passion & increase your income at the same time, and it’s easier than you think. I used to take my family on fairly expensive dive vacations several times a year (especially on live-a-boards where I could do 5 dives per day) but it still wasn’t enough for me so I wound up selling my very successful business in the US, retiring at age 33 with plenty of money, and buying a place in the Caribbean so I could dive whenever I felt like it.  That didn’t quite turn out like I expected so a few years later, I moved to another Caribbean island and became a Divemaster.

  Here’s where it gets good for you!

As a Divemaster who spent a good portion of my life as a paying customer, and building several successful businesses (both Online and Offline) my background allowed me to give my divers a much better experience, and as a result, increase my income at the same time.  Here’s how it happened & how can YOU can benefit from it.

I created a unique Website to use for my customers.  Not only did it save me time, give me happier divers with improved skills and knowledge to work with, and provide me with increased tips and a sideline income, but it also made me look like a Rockstar in the eyes of my divers and gave them a much better vacation experience!

I used this website strictly for my customers only, but after I saw the damage that Covid did to other diving professionals, I began to modify it so others could use it too and enjoy the same benefits.

Your Website is 100% Automated, Customizable, And Works In The Background Of Your Life!


Features & Benefits Of Your Personal Website!

Just like your dive shop has assets they use to make money such as their dive boat(s), tanks, rental gear, etc., Your Website is designed to be an asset that makes you money and gives you happier dive customers.  Let’s go over how this is easily done for you – your Website will have some of the basics, then the good stuff, and then some really good stuff …

The Basics

Your divers will instantly establish a rapport with you well before they ever meet you because of the time and effort you took to make sure they are properly prepared to make their vacation extra special.  This is accomplished 100% through your Personal Website.  As a result, you’ve already done favors for them in advance, and this “Online First Impression” means your divers will show up with pre-installed positive feelings and appreciation for you.

Completely Customizable!

It takes just a few minutes to customize your website with your basic contact information.  You can include your dive shop’s name, website address, email, phone number, as well as your personal name, email, and phone number.  Websites & email addresses will be direct links so customers can simply click on them.  If you don’t want to display any of this information, simply leave it blank and nothing shows up.

Diver Profile!

Your dive customers can each fill out their profile and email it to you so you know what they need when they arrive.  It will include basic information such as arrival and departure dates, planned diving days, certification & dive history information, rental gear needs, etc.  This is set up dynamically so if they haven’t been diving for a long period of time, it will ask if they want to do a tune-up or if they don’t need rental gear, it skips those questions.  I took this a step further by surveying my customers and asking them what they wished DM’s would ask them so there are additional profile questions available that let your divers know you truly care about them.  Of course, you can pick and choose what profile questions you want answered or we can make a custom profile questionnaire for you.

Trip Suggestions!

There’s a saying; “people don’t care about you until they know how much you care about them.

Let your dive customers know you care about them by taking a few moments to create a personalized message for them to let them know a few things that could make their vacation extra special.  This could be a number of things such as what to bring or not bring, types of currency accepted – basically, anything you think is important for them to know before they arrive.

Dive Briefing!

This is where I list some of the basic information from my dive briefing which saves me a lot of time and gives my dive customers the basics which are true for every dive.  Then all I need to do is focus on the specifics for the particular dive site, and maybe reinforce anything of importance.  My dive customers have told me that they really appreciated the information being included on the Website.  It can mean a lot, especially for new divers who may be a bit nervous.

The Good Stuff

Your customers will be so impressed with you because no other Divemaster, to my knowledge, ever does anything like this for their divers.  Snorkelers and other non-divers will also appreciate this section of your Website with all the cool facts about the undersea world they love so much.  It’s been known to be a deciding factor to get people on the fence about Scuba Diving started with their course.

Skills Review!

This section will not only save you time but also give you better-skilled divers to take on their Best-Dive-Ever!  This section goes over basic hand signals, as well as Audio and Video recordings of the individual diving skills.  I found this section made my job so much easier & I got so many compliments for providing this information.  I would have divers say; “It’s been a while so I was nervous about how to clear my mask properly, but after watching the video, it all came back to me.”  Thanks to you, your divers will feel safer, more confident, and have more fun on their dives.  they’ll have a deep appreciation for you taking the time and effort to provide it for them in such an easy and convenient way.

Fun Fish Facts!

This is an easy, convenient way for your divers to learn about their favorite marine life & the sign for them.  We currently have over 60 species listed alphabetically so they can simply click on the link to learn some really cool facts such as life expectancy, diets, predators, mating habits, etc. (we skip most of the boring scientific jargon that nobody will remember or really cares about anyway).  Your divers will love this, especially since they can clearly see the amount of time and effort it took to create this section.

Fun Coral Facts!

Similar to the Fun Fish Facts, this section will go over some interesting and amazing facts about Corals that most divers don’t know.  One more thing my divers have been extremely grateful and appreciative of me for sharing it with them.

The Really Good Stuff – Your Sideline Income

Everything Here is 100% Automated For You So It Requires Absolutely None Of Your Time Or Attention!

Fun Quizzes!

Your divers can take fun and engaging quizzes that not only make them better divers (making your job easier) but they’ll earn “Bubbles” for their correct answers which they can then exchange for hundreds of dollars worth of free products!  Quizzes include such topics as S.C.U.B.A. Acronyms (when you mention their L.P.I. – do they know what you’re talking about?), Diving Etiquette (where to keep fins, weight belts, general respect for other divers, the ocean, etc.), Fish ID, and more. 

Learn more about this Online Store & how it makes you money.

Your Customers Can Save Money When Shopping!

It’s fast, simple, and completely free for your customers to save money on over 500 million products and services from over 8,000 of the most popular and trusted stores around the world.  Imagine the bonus points you’ll get for introducing them to a 100% free service that will save them money on just about everything they need or want to purchase from common Household Goods & Groceries to Electronics & Entertainment to Luxury Items & Travel, and just about everything in between including thousand of Scuba Diving items.  The best thing is, it’s all done for you automatically through your Website, and even better is the fact that you’ll receive Cash as a result.  The amount can fluctuate slightly depending on specials and promotions, but you’ll receive a referral bonus ranging from $30 to $60 (The average is around $50) for each and every person.  In addition, you can also receive 20% of the savings they receive from their shopping activities forever.

Here’s a quick story about my own personal experience and how it benefits You & your Divers!

Upsells For A Win/Win!

Affiliate Stores! has partnered as an Affiliate with several top Scuba Diving organizations that offer everything from Equipment (offered by Scuba Pro) to Dive Vacations (offered by Dive the World which has a perfect 5 out of 5-star rating).

Providing all this extra value to your divers and their families (trust me, customers do not expect this kind of service from their DM) before they’ve even had a chance to shake your hand is going to earn you a tremendous amount of “Brownie Points” which can easily translate into bigger tips for you because your customers will naturally want to reward you for all the extra’s you provided them.  Basically, your Website will blow their mind, not to mention you’ll help them save money and win hundreds of dollars worth of free products while having fun and improving their diving skills & knowledge! 

Start Free!

Whatever option you choose below, you can get started absolutely free.


Free forever with this special offer, but you’ll only have the website (which will surely impress your divers & increase your tips) but

Regular Price:

$9 / Month



Per Month

BASICS:  All The Basics

Good Stuff:  All The Good Stuff





Option 1



Per Month

BASICS:  All The Basics

Good Stuff:  All The Good Stuff





Option 1



Per Month

BASICS:  All The Basics

Good Stuff:  All The Good Stuff




We have Four very special bonuses for you to further increase your income. 

All (4) are completely free and can be used solely at your option at any time.

Bonus #1

You can offer this special Website program to your fellow Divemasters & Instructors.  Earn money while helping them create better experiences for their divers and increase their income as well.  We’ll provide you with a personalized Affiliate Link that you can use anytime to earn additional income.  We call it our Free For Three program which means when you sign up just 3 other Dive Professionals your Website is absolutely free, but you don’t have to stop there.  You’ll receive a 33% commission on each signup and we take care of everything.  Simply share your Affiliate Link with other Dive Professionals, and you are done!

Bonus #2

Free Online Courses, Books, and More for You!

Ave $79/Monthly Value

These Online Courses cover a wide range of subjects that will improve all aspects of your life from Mindset, Meditation & Psychology to Goals, Time Management &  Productivity to Health, Fitness & Well-Being to Motivation, Leadership & Communication to Personal Finance, Success & Business to Creativity, Self-Expression & Skill Development to Personal Image, Relationship & Social Skills, and More.  Our newest one that I’m really excited about teaches how to remember names which I’m really bad at, and there’s nothing worse than accidentally calling one of your guests by the wrong name. 

Bonus #3

Sideline Income From Your Customer’s Customers!

$77/Monthly Value

Remote work: People who embrace the laptop lifestyle often work remotely, meaning they can perform their job duties from any location with an internet connection. This could include freelancers, online entrepreneurs, or employees of companies that allow remote work.

Digital entrepreneurship: Many laptop lifestyle enthusiasts are involved in digital businesses or online ventures, such as e-commerce stores, affiliate marketing, content creation, blogging, or offering online services like web development, graphic design, or social media management.

Flexibility and freedom: By leveraging technology, those living the laptop lifestyle enjoy the freedom to set their own work hours, work from co-working spaces, coffee shops, or even while traveling. This lifestyle provides the ability to strike a balance between work and personal life on their own terms.

Reduced reliance on physical office spaces: Unlike traditional office jobs, the laptop lifestyle allows people to avoid the need for a fixed physical workspace. This can result in cost savings and less time spent commuting.

Travel opportunities: One of the significant attractions of the laptop lifestyle is the opportunity to travel and explore different places while still maintaining a source of income. Digital nomads often travel to various cities or countries, embracing new experiences and cultures along the way.

Time management and self-discipline: Living the laptop lifestyle requires individuals to be self-motivated, disciplined, and adept at managing their time effectively to balance work commitments and personal interests.

Bonus #4

Living the Laptop Lifestyle!

Minimum $299/Monthly Value

Now this bonus is for those of you who may have ideas and passions to serve others through your own creations (Blogging, YouTube Channels, Online Courses, E-Commerce, Web Development, Graphic Designs, Social Media Management, Content Creation, or other Online Ventures) and become a Digital Entrepreneur where you can enjoy the flexibility & freedom of being financially productive from any location in the world with an internet connection.

If that’s you, then we can help you in several ways to accomplish your dreams in a big way.

Education & Skills development through our Free Online Courses & Books (Bonus #2) because the Laptop Lifestyle requires individuals to be self-motivated, disciplined, and adept at managing their time effectively among other things.

Anytime you launch a new business, whether it’s product or service related, the best way to attract attention and generate leads for your business is to give away Free Stuff to get people interested in You & your offer.  We can provide you with a range of free products that carry much more value than the common “free report” to boost your customer engagement.  These products normally range in price from $27 to $47 and they’re available for you to use through a special license at no charge. 

We’re going to take the above Free Stuff bonus to a whole other level for you because let’s face it, the #1 biggest hurdle for a new business is getting Traffic – finding those people who might be interested in purchasing your offer.

but that can easily change for you, and it’s all done through a Website that works in the background of your life so it can easily increase your tips & generate a side income for you without requiring any of your time or attention!

23878 Cherry Ln. * Shell Knob, MO 65747 * USA

Utila, Bay Islands 34201 * Honduras

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